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On October 26th 2011, COMET organized the workshop «comet Project: Towards an infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage» during the “Pollutec Maroc 2011” exhibition (http://www.pollutec-maroc.com) in Casablanca, Morocco. The workshop included the presentation of the comet project by Abdelkrim Rimi (Institute Scientifique, Université Mohammed V gdal Rabat), a presentation on «Emission sources and modelling of energy scenarios with TIMES-MA» by Maryse Labriet (Eneris-ASATREM) and a presentation on «CO2 sinks in Morocco» by Mohamed DAKKI (Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines, represented by Abdelkrim Rimi).

In the following discussion workshop participants were most interested in risks associated with CO2 sequestration. Further questions aimed at the relation of CCS and the Clean Development Mechanism defined in the Kyoto Protocol.

 Generally, it was confirmed that more information about CCS in Morocco was needed. Another important topic being discussed were long-term energy scenarios in Morocco.






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