Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

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COMET WEEK in Lisbon PDF Print E-mail


From 6th to 9th September several events will take place in Lisbon, related with COMET project: Workpackages coordination meetings, Moroccan partners meeting, CO2 Transport stakeholders meeting and the mid-term review meeting.




Project Meeting in Madrid PDF Print E-mail


IGME and CIEMAT will host the first meenting of COMET, from the 25th to 28th of October 2010.

COMET was presented at 2nd EAGE workshop in Berlin Print

Berlim was chosen to host the second EAGE CO2 workshop on Geological Storage. The workshop took place from 11 - 12 March 2010.

The objective of the workshop was to assess the state of play for deployment of geological storage of CO2 and to illuminate measures necessary to support the transitions from laboratory/pilot-scale storage projects to large-scale storage across Europe. COMET project was presented by the coordinator, Dulce Boavida (LNEG).

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